Supersonic Ninjas

Articles, links and thoughts about native mobile app development, (iOS and Android) using Swift and Kotlin. as well as Laravel, API, and OpenAPI Spec.

Beyond the Literal Sprint: Paths to Success
Deep Thoughts

Beyond the Literal Sprint: Paths to Success

Yaz Jallad
State of Navigation in iOS

State of Navigation in iOS

Navigation has always been a crucial component of iOS apps. The ability to smoothly transition from screen to screen with seamless animations is a hallmark of the iOS ecosystem.

Mirza Učanbarlić
Clean Architecture In Kotlin For Android Applications

Clean Architecture In Kotlin For Android Applications

Clean Architecture is a design pattern that separates the concerns of an application into distinct layers, making the code more modular, testable, and maintainable.

Ahmet Faruk Çuha
Setting Up Environments in iOS: A Quick Guide

Setting Up Environments in iOS: A Quick Guide

Managing different environments like development, staging, and production in your iOS app can be a breeze with the right setup...

Mirza Učanbarlić
Introducing the app design
Boilerplate Application

Introducing the app design

It's time to reveal the boilerplate app design 🎨🧑‍🎨📱

Yaz Jallad
The Power of an OpenAPI Spec

The Power of an OpenAPI Spec

The OpenAPI Specification (OpenAPI Spec) is revolutionizing the way we design, document, and consume our APIs.

Yaz Jallad
Supersonic Ninjas Activate

Supersonic Ninjas Activate

Join us on a mobile app development adventure with our 'boilerplate,' designed to streamline your projects with essential features inspired by Laravel Jetstream, but for iOS/Android. Dive into our journey of crafting, learning, and sharing in the Laravel community alongside developers Mirza and Ahmet. 🚀📱

Yaz Jallad